
Yesterday when I arrived at work they had closed down the second big parking area. I had to drive around campus (our office is located at KTH Royal Institute of Technology) to find another place to park the car. Luckily I found one a walk away. Which is fine with me. But two big parking spaces have been closed down because they are building houses there and they don’t have any plans to replace them. So where do all the cars go? The longterm aim for them is a car-free campus. Commendable of course environmentally speaking and all. But… it is not good for me! On top of that, I can’t even drive to the underground and park there because they have made it so that you have to pay congestion tax to park by the underground (EPIC fail!) and then you have to pay for the parking itself AND pay for public […]
Well, as you will have noticed as a recurring theme this week on the blog – lack of time and photo opportunities have made this blog a little less creative this week and more about everyday stuff. So consequently I haven’t had a chance to get out with the camera for new photos for this week’s tree theme sadly. Because I LOVE backlight and would like to practise and experiment a lot more with it. So I think I will cheat in some current backlight tree photos maybe next week as an extra ”bonus” if I get a chance to be out when it is actually some light available. I have dug through my archives to see if I can find any backlit photos that could fit into this theme. I found a decent one from two years ago. I have one current photo that I took last week in a rare glimpse […]


Since I was late home from work today because I will be using flex hours tomorrow, I am also late with blogging. I had a lot to do when I got home and I also had to pass by the gas station on my way home to buy some windshield washer liquid. This dirty weather just makes the dirty windshields drink the liquid in one go – slurp and it’s gone. I filled that up and then when I got home I had a light dinner,  laundry, dishes and this and that to finish. On top of that  I need to fit in wrting two blog entries for tomorrow. I needed a break after I wrote the first one. The break got a bit longer than planned. Now it is midnight! So I hope you will excuse me that this blog entry is a bit short and just rambling. 🙂 Speaking of […]


The last couple of weeks have been wonderful. Now we are facing mild weather and the snow is melting and getting dirty. I mourn the beautiful sunny sparkly winter days, but I would not mourn if this was actually the end of winter. I long for spring and light. How was your weekend? Mine was fine. The weather was dull so I didn’t get to take any new photos for our tree project this week, the theme being backlight. Difficult when there is no light. So I will have to put up old photos this week. Next week we will have a very cool and very creative theme coming up. You will find out what it is on Thursday when Jen and I present this week’s photos. On Saturday I did my volunteer work at the cat shelter. Adorable kitties – they always melt my heart. They are like medicine […]
Jen’s and my tree project  continues. Last week’s theme was texture in black and white. This week black and white in general. I love black and white photography. It immediately gives the photos a whole new atmosphere about them when you remove colour. I also think that winter time is a good season for black and white because the season offers a graphic element to the landscape that you don’t get the same way during the other seasons. The graphic-”ness” of winter, trees and black and white is a good combination in my eyes. Ok, so here they come. My two project photos of the week. 🙂 This first one is a winter version of a scene I have posted before in autumn. I like how I find new details the more I look at the photo. The second one: I am rather pleased with the photos this time. I […]


This post is kind of a throwback to my photo walk. Also it is kind of a recap of yesterday’s Swedish blog where I wrote about how fortunate I feel to be living so close to nature and countryside, even though I live in a big city. I guess one can call this a throwback entry even to my tribute to Elfvik. 🙂 Hey, why not call this a throw back post to make it simple? Anyway, to the point. As I said in my Elfvik tribute, the place carries a lot of childhood memories. One of the favourite things about this place is that there is a stable here with large and vast greenyards for the horses which you pass when you drive here. And if you are lucky, you get to see the horses out and about in those yards, running around, relaxing, eating and having fun. I loved […]


On my photo walk on Sunday in my dear Elfvik, I was out for four and a half hours. It was such a lovely winter day. Clear blue sky with the low and pale yellow wintersun bringing out the sparkles in the snow and in the ice. -10 C with high clear air that filled my lungs with freshness and new energy. Photo walks are the best walks. It makes you really take notice on what is around you because you are looking for possible photo opportunities, and at the same time you get exercise and in winter, that so important spare daylight. A photo walk forces you to be completely present, here and now, both physically and mentally. When you come home, you have the excitement of downloading all the photos you took into the computer and start editing. I can never wait, I am too curious on how the […]
In my journey to practise my eye for the best photos and to improve my ”seeing”, I have started to really taking my time when I try to find a picture. I look at angles, light and shadows. I am not finding it all perfectly yet, but at least I am looking. Before I didn’t know until I got home and downloaded the photos to the computer if it was a good picture or not. I still do, but more often the picture I had in my mind show up on the memory card too. 🙂 So I am hoping that practice will make nearer perfect. I find it rather rewarding to ”really” take in the scene or subject. To actively think of it and how to show it. I am hoping that this is a first step to take better photos. Before I was kind of stuck in the […]
I love cats. They are such great animals combining incredible cuteness with grace and beauty. To get my cat fix I volunteer at a cat shelter every other Saturday. My work involves a lot of travelling and I live in a small apartment, so at this moment in life I sadly can’t offer a good home for a cat of my own. But one day I will have my own kitty to love. Until then, I care for the abandoned, homeless and feral furry adorables at the shelter. You won’t believe what cruelty people have put these shelter cats through. Cats are just too cute for their own good. It’s easy to get a cute little kitten, but the kitten grows up. And costs time and money. And get pregnant. They estimate about 100 000 feral homeless cats in Sweden alone. Black cats are adopted last. Because they mean ”bad luck”. […]


What in the world is ”Twentieth Knut Day”…? 🙂 St Knut’s Day. In Swedish tjugondag jul (Twentieth day of Christmas) or tjugondag Knut (Twentieth Knut Day) The 13th of January marks 20 days after Christmas, and the end of Christmas here in Sweden. Today is the day that you traditionally remove the Christmas decorations that have been up since first of Advent, and you have a Christmas tree plundering party (julgransplundring) with dancing around the Christmas tree before you throw it away. Like dancing around the Maypole at Midsummer. Same dances, basically the same songs with a few Christmassy exceptions. Why change a winning concept? [youtube] So following tradition, I today cleaned out Christmas. Out with the cosy lights and candles. I will miss them! Just lighting it all up one last time! Farewell beautiful advent candles. Farewell, my favourite decoration – my ”tomte” lamps. Bye bye electrical advent lights, […]