
I have a dream that I one day will get to see the northern lights. It must one of the most beautiful things there is to see in my mind. Magic.

And what do I hear? The day before yesterday the northern lights were visible here in Lidingö and I didn’t see it. It has been visable down here several times this winter and I have missed it every time. What are the odds that it appears this far south and what are the odds that it does it several times in one season and what are the odds that I miss it each time?

If you want to see truly magical photos of the northern lights from northern Sweden where it is really strong and beautiful, check out young artist Jonna Jinton’s blog. She is a big inspiration of mine both in her way of life, her view on life and her art. Her photos convey everything my heart and soul feels about nature. If you want to see truly magical photos of the deep forests and beautiful landscapes of the North in general her blog is a must.

I am stilll bummed I missed another northern lights in my own town! 🙁

I wish I had my own photos to show you but I don’t.

Here are some reader photos from northern lights over Lidingö in October last year in tabloid Expressen.

2 Kommentarer

  1. Här är det norrsken lite nu och då men jag fascinerandes varje gång! Det är lite som att titta ut över havet. Det ger liksom ett lugn. Som oftast ser vi norrskenet på vintern men vi hade faktiskt en hel del norrsken även under förra hösten.

    • Åh lyckost! Man kan nog aldrig tröttna på norrsken tror jag som aldrig har sett det! Men när jag läser alla bloggar och ser alla fantastiska bilder blir min längtan att en gång få uppleva det bara större… För jag vet att ingen bild hur fantastisk den än är kan fånga känslan av att se det på riktigt!

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