
The theme this week, creating our own bokeh pattern, was a really fun and challenging one for me. To actually create something with my hands is not something I am used to. I am clumsy with no fine motorics abilities whatsoever. You will have to use your imagination to interpret my little pattern as a leaf. 😉 But I love the effect. It is definitely something worth experimenting with more. Practice is needed. What do you think? Can you see the leaves? 😉 The leaf bokeh is created by window lights from block houses and traffic across the street. I am standing on the opposite side of a big street and the railway, shooting through trees. My idea for this project was to use an urban environment and give it a nature-twist. Because that’s me. A born city girl – but a nature girl at heart. This first one I think is […]
Oh my. Yesterday did not turn out the way I planned blog-wise. The day before when I was supposed to write the blog entries for yesterday I fell asleep! I woke up in the middle of the night, so tired that I just brushed my teeth and didn’t even bother to change into my night t-shirt, I just went to bed with the top I was wearing during the day. So I wrote a short entry yesterday morning explaining this and that I would not be able to keep up my publishing schedule since I fell asleep and am working during the day so can’t blog then. I planned to blog when I came home from work. But the preparations for today’s blogs took all my time. It is now 11 pm and I have two blog entries to write and photos for the tree project post at 3 pm […]